Oral presentations
All presenters (except keynote and invited) will have 15 min for their talks and the ensuing discussion. Therefore, the recommended duration for the talk is 10 – 12 min. This will leave 3 – 5 min for discussion.
To avoid delays due to technical difficulties please transfer the file with your presentation to the local computer in the lecture hall during the break before the session. Usage of your own personal computers is not recommended as it may provide additional delays.
Poster presentations
An area of 1,5-meter height and 1-meter width will be provided. Please ensure that your poster does not exceed these limits, thus A0 format (1189 mm × 841 mm) in a portrait format is recommended.
Posters are expected to be displayed during the entirety of the conference. Thus, please hang your poster at the beginning of the first day of the conference (October 3). Posters must be taken off at the end of the conference (October 4).
Presenters are responsible for setting up their displays. Organizers will provide participants with all the necessary equipment to hang the posters.
A presenter is expected to be near their poster during the entire scheduled poster session.